Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cue: This Is Not About...

"This is not about you!" she screeched.

Taliesin choked on her words, "not, not about me!? How could you- every bit of it is about me! It's me who works day in, day out; me, who brings in the money. Me, coming home to a cold, empty apartment. And you, you're nothing," he spat "nothing to this relationship. You're never here to make yourself a part of it!"

She stared at him, wide eyed in terrified disbelief. "never-" she slumped into a chair. "You cancel every appointment we have together. I tried ignoring it, I tried to busy myself. I even got a hobby, like you suggested. Several. I tried cooking, but you were never there to taste my tortellini. I tried writing, but romance comes hard when you're starved of it. I tried the gym, but you didn't notice; likewise a beautician's course...And now I've finally found something to keep myself occupied, and you want to snatch it from me. Thank you very much!"

"Yes, but, honestly... International LARPing? "

It probably gives away more about me than I should allow, to tell you that I actually think this would be rather cool.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Very, very cool!

I haven't larped myself, but I have been on long walks by the river that have been interrupted by a costumed clan of larpers rising over the hill, their warpaint ferocious and their foam weapons raised high. O it's electrifying, my dear!