Thursday, March 03, 2005

She Feels Like 90 and she's On a Rampage!

I was absolutely disgusted this Tuesday, when I stepped onto a bus which charged me £3.20 for a one way journey (In the good old days...). But as I sat down, I noted a large screen embedded in the wall, which, for the entire journey, showed our current position, the name of the previous, and next two stops, and intermittently, tourist info complete with 'ask your driver for a half-price admissions ticket' reminders! Once again, the elite brand-spanking-wonderful coat of Harrogate shows up the rest of the world. It kept me entertained, anyway.

So, I arrived in Harrogate after J took pity on my fouling mood, and by the time I left, I felt a little better.

Not any more.

Went to work, expecting my new manager to be on training. No such luck, he was in-house all day. His way to do it all, is the best way, obviously - but he has no clue about the tenants, the parents, the staff, or past or present issues. And he doesn't care. One minute he says one thing, and the next he contradicts himself. And since he's never out of the office, I have to pick up the pieces when staff and parents complain, or tenants don't get allocated the support they need. It's not my job anymore, and I'm not getting paid enough to deal with it!!!

So then I get home and I have to wage war against my mother who, obviously, is in no need of help despite the fact that she can hardly do anything for herself, and my father the ostrich who is taking on the world rather than ask for assistance, and killing himself in the process.

I'm getting increasingly more irritable, because I'm sure neither of these is my job, but nobody else'll do it. And, ashamedly, I exploded at my parents when I got home this morning, screaming at them that they were both pathetic and needed to sort out all their issues, because they're ruining everyone elses lives. Possibly not going to help their esteem issues :-S

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