Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Sky You Were Born Under.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how incredibly bloody lucky I am. At times, with things not going the way I had envisioned, these thoughts were somewhat forced, accompanied by pangs of guilt over ridiculous self-pity. And at times, the same thoughts came in jolts of bubbling, giggly ecstasy .

With all this, amongst strangely urgent dealings with assignments, bills, pub-outings and tulips, has come the search for a summer project. Complicated by both finances and the possibility of spending part of said project with my sister, BRIF is looking, for today, like the most likely candidate.

I've also been spending much free time with a group of awesome religion/philosophy students, and one of our many regular debates has been this: is there such a thing as a selfless act?

Thoughts, anyone?

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