Wednesday, May 09, 2007

This Transmission Is Interrupted...

A few days back, I wrote a post which was described as 'obviously you talking things around for yourself'. This had me slightly dismayed, for although there is of course a place for these posts, it's not what it had been meant to be. It was supposed to be an explanation of my choice to study further (if they'll have me). It was supposed to get people interested in what is or is not going on in the world, in the same way it had me. In 6 short paragraphs.

Sadly, it failed to even start to do these things. It was poorly, hastily constructed. It lacked heart. When I find the appropriate links and photographs, I will reformulate it into a bigger, badder, able-to-bring-you-to-tears version.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Oh dear! I didn't mean to dismay you, babe! Looking forward to your repost, though. Thank you for understanding what I was trying to get at with mine.