Friday, February 24, 2006

And This Young Man Looks Fine, As Well.

I should like to pose the question: do we really have to be made-up and clad in skirts, if we are to be recognised as women? For that matter, why can't men wear skirts and flaunt eyeshadow without being seen as overly feminine?

I could rant at length, but I won't...

What is it with people and their stereotypes? Bah!


Rachel said...

I think if I were a boy I'd wear makeup and skirts much more often than I do now (which is just about never, although, in the spirit of "If you have to do a thing, might as well do it right", I have lately developed an attachment to a black dress that makes me look like the young Marilyn except, um... titsier. I've worn it a few times, to formals and the like, and pretended to be a movie star).

On the other hand, if I were a boy I like to think I could grow a beard, a really long one, which I would plait. I have no penis envy, I'm sure it would be a fun toy for a couple of days and then lose its novelty appeal, but boy do I have beard envy :S.

These are a couple of scattered thoughts from a much bigger stock - I too could rant for hours. What prompted the post, o androgynous one?

Sarah Benwell said...

Someone Dad knows stopped us in the supermarket to talk to him, beginning with 'How are you keeping Mike, you look well... and this young man looks fine as well'.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why girls often dont like what they are , you didnt say that ,I can fell it !!!

my name is Sniper!!!???