Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tolerant Annoyance.

Or, My Family.

I love my family, I really, really do. And it's sad they live so far away. But it's odd how some of them always seem to see bad in everything.

Some of said family, during my weekend in the Depths of the World (um, Southampton) were as amazing as ever. Highlights included a walk on the Common with my incredible, globe-trotting grandfather, and planning a family-history trip together whilst I am in India, and playing stupid games with my amazingly sensible 15 year old cousin until 2am.

Some, however, seem to think I'm still eight years old, and that everything I do is wrong.Lowlights include being told repeatedly of all the things that will go wrong whilst I'm away, and told, in an offended, upset tone 'Well, we never had to do this when I was your age!' and informed that I should not be travelling at all, let alone by myself, to places so 'wild'. Bah!

I was also, in the same dejected yet pitying tone, given the 'I do so wish that you'd find Jesus...' speech. It's strange that she's never asked me what I believe, but proceeds to lecture me anyway. I only wish I'd thought to reply, 'well perhaps I'll find him in the desert."

** I had no idea how much I despise the word 'worship' before last weekend!

In other, happy news: I've appeared in The Little Hedonist's Best Of The Rest list :-) It's nice to know there's really people out there.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Bah, family! Glad to hear about the good bits, anyway.

Um, babe, if you *do* find Jesus in the desert, do you think you could just leave him there?

Thanks for note on my blog. I know I can talk to you and I'm really grateful to have a friend like you :). Perhaps we can form some manner of psychic link on the night and pool the best parts of seeing the Guillemots and being in Syria!
