Friday, July 29, 2005

Ugh, Laundry! (The finer things in life.)

I need to come up with something to take to Borders - it’s rolled around far quicker than it should, and I have no time to write. Need a quick fix, or a time machine.

Mark’s course this weekend. Before I whinge, it has to be said that I am really, really looking forward to this; I’ve been trying to weasel my way onto it for ages, but have always been unavailable when they’re run nearby.

It’s just that, 2 full days language heaven are followed by writing all day Monday, followed by the borders group (both of which I need, and crave as much as ever) and, well, that doesn’t leave much time to destabilise Mt Laundry, or clean out the Kitchen Swamp and kid-proof everywhere, before Nick and the girls arrive for Tuesday lunch.

It worries me just a little that despite this knowledge, I cannot help but sit at my computer, fiddling with words and tales, which swim around my head as frantic as if it were infested with CandirĂº.

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