With several hours to kill between lectures, and the sun shining in earnest I turn my back on the library this afternoon and head for the wood-encapsulated lake. How anyone can feel uninspired with learning in a setting like this I do not know. I spend a while reciting a few stories aloud as I meander along the water’s edge (much to the surprise and amusement of the few others wandering the path). I’m walking slowly, because it’s beautiful, and I don’t want it to end. And then I sit for a while, musing over the day’s chance encounters with a dozen or so friends. And it occurs to me, not for the first time recently, just how lucky I am. And just how much I’d miss the place if I ever had to leave.
I hope it doesn’t come to that.
I seem at the moment to be in a state of perpetual calamity, and with it a never-ending roller-coaster of highs and lows. Frankly I don’t know how anyone around me puts up with it. I don’t know how I'm putting up with it. Most of the time I’m getting nothing done, at least not with any efficiency, which is in part why there has been so little bloggage of late. It’s also probably contributing to the lack of coherent conclusion of this post.
Perhaps an evening with Terry Pratchett will sort things out. At least for a moment.